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It was getting ie old man rode gently with the small sea and the hurt of the cord across his back came to him easily and smoothly.
The e had seen him once,he could picture the fish swimming in the water with his purple pectoral fins set wide as wings and the great erect tail slicing through the dasun and his steady movement of his fingers had uncramped his left hand now pletely and he began to shift more of the strain to it and he shrugged the muscles of his back to shift the hurt of the cord a little.
“If you"re not tired,fish,”he said aloud,“you must be very strange.”
He felt very tired now and he knew tnd he knew that the Yankees of New York were playing the Tigres of Detroit.
This is the second Maggio who does all thoel?I do not think I could endure that or the loss of the eye a rather be that beast down there in the e great DiMaggio would stay with a fish as long as I will stay with this one?He thm to give himself more confidence,the time in the tavern at Casablanca when he had played the hand game with the greatk line on the tablender the kerosene lights and he had ltegro"s hands and they looked each other in the eye and at their hands and forearms and the bettors went in and out ofeze moved the lamps.
The odds would change back and forth all nand once he had the old man, who was not an old man ths sure then that a draw and the referee was shaking his head,he had unleashed his effort and forced t to work on he had finished it anyway and before anyone had to go to work.
For a long time after that everyone had called hime he had broken t he could beat anyone if he wanted to badly enoughleft hand had always been a traitor and would not do what he called on it to do and he did notnight.I wonder what this night will bring.
An airplane passed overhead on its course to Miami and he watched its shadow scaring up the schools of flying fish.
“With so much flying fish there should be dolphin,”he said,and leaned backhe could no longer seebe able to see the fish well if they do not fly too high.I would like to fly very es and thee purple backs and usually purple stripes or spots?out?
Just before it was dark, as they passed a great island of Sargasso weed that heaved and swung in the light sea as though the ocean were making love with somethingworked his way back to the stern and crouching and holding the big line with his right hand and arm,he pulled the dolphin in with his left hando side in desperation,the old man leaned over the stern and liftedook and it pounded the bottom of the skiff with its long flat body,its tail and its head until he clubbed it across the shining golden head until it shivered and was still.
The old man unhooked the tand washed his right hand in the sea while he watched the sun go into the ocean and the slced that it was perceptibly slower.
“I"ll lash the two oars together across the stern and that will slow him in the night,”he said.“ He"s good for the night and so am I.”
It would be better to gut the dolphin a little later to save the blood in the meat,he thought.I can do that a little later and lash the oars to make a drag at the same time.I had better He let his hand dry in the air then grasped the line with it and eased himself as much as he could and allowed himself to be pulled forward against the wood so that the boat took the strain as much,orhe took the bait andthe pain from the cord across his back had ystion of sustenance.
It was dark hey would all be out and he would have all his distant friends.
“The fish is my friend stars.”
try to kill the sun?We were born lucky,he thought.
Then he was sorry for the great fish that had nothing to eat and hisavior and his gree will lose him,if he makes his effort and the drag made and eat some of him to be strong.
Now I will rest an hour more and feel that he is solid and steady befores.The oars are a good trick;and that he
but he placed his left hand on the gunwale of the bow and confided more and more of the resistance to the fish to the skiff itself.
Hull of the line with my body and at all times be ready to give line with both hands.
“But you have not slept yet,old man,”he said aloud.“ It is half eeps sometimes on certain days when there is no cu.
y back to the stern on so that his left hand held the strain of the line across his sh pushed the blade ofe dolphin was cold and a leprous gray-white now in the starlight and the old man skinned o side off from the head down to the tail.
He slid the carcass o and placed the two flying fish inside the two fillets of fish and putting his knicarried the fish in his right hand.
Back in the bow he laid the two fiad against the planking of the skiff,particles of phosphorus floated off and drifted slowly a rest and a little sleep.”
Under the stars and with the night colder all the time he ate half of one of the dolphin fillets and one of the flying fish, gutted and with its head cut off.
without salt or limes.”
If I had brains I would have splashed water onte sky was clouding overlouds and the wind had dropped.
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